Pediatrics Brochure Cover Redesign
After the adult exam room covers were completed, we moved on to begin the redesign for the covers for pediatrics (PEDS).

The editorial team and myself moved forward with new designs while using the final cover I came up with for adults as the basis for the PEDS redesign.
Concepts to be used were:
-"Caught in the Moment" or Lifestyle photography
-Asymmetrical layouts
-Usage of illustrations or "doodles"

Design and Photography Inspiration for PEDS Covers

Round 1
To begin, I started with the design I created for the adult covers--plugged in new imagery and lowered the opacity on the color overlays. When I didn't think that was working, I then tried to add other photos instead of additional floating squares. And when I felt that the squares weren't working, I moved to circles and began to iterate after that.
Option F was chosen to moved forward--only feedback was to try incorporating a secondary color.

Round 2
Next I moved around the colors and tried different treatments for the header.
Option A was chosen to move forward for final review, but the team requested that the little circles above the headline be removed.

Final design and brochure holder